Tutkija Verena Cornvall toteuttaa Euroopan komission tilauksesta sirkusalan toimijoita koskevan tutkimuksen ja pyytää sekä yksityishenkilöitä että yhteisöjä vastaamaan kyselyyn, johon löytyy linkit alla. Kysely on auki 28.2.2019 saakka.
The census on The Situation of Circus in Europe is aimed at individuals who worked at a professional level in any capacity in the circus industry in 2018 in Europe, and organisations including creation centres, training schools, theatres and festivals in Europe, as well as circus companies, covering the same time period.
You can access it in the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.
The deadline for completion is February 28, 2019.
Individuals: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4728752/EUCircusCensus-a88accb3c198
Organisations: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/4731761/EUCircusCensus-53e602d88b26
The findings of the study, which is initiated by the European Commission, will be shared with a range of organisations and be used to inform policy in Europe and individual Member States.
The Expert Panel for the Circus Census comprises: Fédération Mondiale du Cirque, The European Circus Association, CircusNext, Circostrada, FEDEC and ENTE. Thank you to these Partners. The Situation of Circus in Europe Study is funded with support from the European Commission.